From Steve’s Library 12/13/2005
The story is told of the old Persian ruler who wanted to impress a visiting dignitary. He showed his guest a glass cage in which a lion was resting comfortably, next to a little lamb. The visitor couldn’t believe his eyes. How can a lion coexist with a lamb, he asked? I believe it is possible for natural enemies to find peace, replied the ruler. But how can a lion and a lamb possibly get along in the same cage, asked the guest. It’s simple, said the ruler, every morning I put in a new lamb.
Children are not replaced on a regular basis. That’s why it’s so important to nurture them carefully and lovingly in an environment that is firm, yet appropriately flexible. Make your home a safe place for your kids to grow and mature and they’ll stand tall when it’s their turn.
—Steve Farrar
Steve Farrar was the author of many books, including the best-sellers Point Man, Finishing Strong, and Battle Ready: Be Strong and of Good Courage in These Troubled Times.