
Every man has a sphere of influence.

2 Corinthians 10:13-15

If you can change the heart of a man,
you can change the direction of a family.





If you can change the heart of a man,
you can change the direction of a family.



Every man has a sphere of influence.

2 Corinthians 10:13-15

Point Man Toolbox

Designed as a study for individuals and groups for the revised edition of Point Man: How A Man Can Lead His Family by Steve Farrar, you will find a video for each chapter with Steve’s teaching as well as downloadable study guides for the leader and participants!

The Point Man Toolbox has reached thousands of men across the U.S and abroad. And it continues to receive rave reviews from men’s groups.  Here are only a few: examples:

Des Moines, Iowa“Every church in America ought to be doing this.”

Cross Trainers, a city-wide ministry to men, got creative.  Last fall, using the book + Toolbox, they enlisted 25 churches, ending up with 165 guys in weekly in-person gatherings, along with groups as far as Georgetown, TX, joining simultaneously via zoom.  It proved so successful, they decided to do it again in winter of 2024, with numbers growing and guys bringing their sons and dads. According to their leadership, the primary reason for success was “Steve’s voice in the room”.

South Africa:  “We hope many more churches and ministries will make use of this wonderful tool that you have developed.”

Family Matters (a nation-wide ministry with a passion for men) has picked up the book + Toolbox and run with it.  In the last year, they put on 7 Point Man Camps, using the book + Toolbox as their core curriculum. In spite of cultural differences, their attendees loved Steve. Reports came in of men confessing sin, coming to Christ, being baptized, and embracing the vision to become godly fathers and husbands. Wives testified that their husbands came back completely different after the Point Man camps. And this ministry has no intention of stopping.  They look forward to having their biggest men’s camp so far on 6-8 Dec of 2024 and are trusting the Lord for 80-100 men in attendance. 

Point Man is now available in Spanish!

Esta versión revisada y actualizada ayudará a padres y esposos a navegar los desafíos que el mundo de hoy presenta a la familia, atravesar las etapas del matrimonio y la paternidad, mantenerse firmes ante las tentaciones personales, y ser el padre que los hijos necesitan.

Steve’s Bible Study Archives

View or listen to Steve’s messages from his bible studies and podcasts.

The bestselling guide for Christian men who want to lead their families well is now revised and updated to help fathers and husbands navigate the complexities of today’s challenges.

Faithful men who care deeply about their families want to be the spiritual leaders of their homes. However, many just don’t know how because they’ve never seen it modeled.

That’s why Steve Farrar wrote Point Man thirty years ago. An instant bestseller, it’s the go-to resource for how to faithfully lead and love your family, walk boldly through challenging seasons of marriage and parenting, stand firm against personal temptations, and forge a faith that finishes strong.

The bestselling guide for Christian men who want to lead their families well is now revised and updated to help fathers and husbands navigate the complexities of today’s challenges.

Faithful men who care deeply about their families want to be the spiritual leaders of their homes. However, many just don’t know how because they’ve never seen it modeled.

That’s why Steve Farrar wrote Point Man thirty years ago. An instant bestseller, it’s the go-to resource for how to faithfully lead and love your family, walk boldly through challenging seasons of marriage and parenting, stand firm against personal temptations, and forge a faith that finishes strong.

The war on the family has only intensified since this trusted guide first came out, with shifting views of masculinity and femininity, the declining influence of church and faith, and fractured perspectives on morality. Our world seems determined to undermine the biblical design for family —which means faithful spiritual leadership is needed more than ever.


While combing through 30 years of Steve’s unpublished messages, we’ve come across some jewels.

Enjoy some of Steve’s best never-before-available talks.

Want to help Steve’s messages reach the next generation?

Follow Men’s Leadership Ministries on Facebook, Instagram,Twitter and YouTube!

Men's Leadership Ministries, Inc.
401 N. Carroll Avenue #125  
Southlake, TX 76092

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