
Steve's Blog Archives

Atmosphere of the Home

From Steve’s Library 11/29/2005

Like a fine restaurant, every home has an atmosphere. Generally speaking, the atmosphere of your home is one of two kinds, constructive or destructive. In other words, are people in your home built up or are they torn down?  Construction or destruction?  Building up or tearing down?  Which happens behind your front door?

As the male leader in the home, you establish the atmosphere.  It’s up to you to determine whether or not the atmosphere is positive or negative.  You can complain all day about the deterioration of a nation, but what about deterioration in your own home?  Are your kids falling apart under constant criticism that comes out of your mouth?  Do your kids see you act one way at church and another at home?  If you stand tall and consistent, your home will be like a restaurant your kids will want to patronize.

Steve Farrar

Steve Farrar was the author of many books, including the best-sellers Point Man, Finishing Strong, and Battle Ready: Be Strong and of Good Courage in These Troubled Times.

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