From Steve’s Library 07/2004
God gave King David an army of mighty warriors to protect Israel. Who did the Lord need to protect his chosen people from? Barbarians. They completely encircled the people of Israel. The threat to King David and God’s people was obvious.
As believers in a Living God, we’re surrounded by barbarians this very day, only the barbarians in our culture don’t look like barbarians. And that’s why we need discernment. I’ve encountered well dressed, articulate people who are sometimes even well meaning with their beliefs. Unfortunately they are often barbarians, determined to attack and subvert the godly principles and beliefs I and my family hold dear.
Gentlemen, God’s truth is under assault in our generation more than ever before. We are the army of mighty warriors God is depending upon to protect His people. Just like David’s army, it’s up to us to defend the enemy’s assault.
—Steve Farrar
Steve Farrar was the author of many books, including the best-sellers Point Man, Finishing Strong, and Battle Ready: Be Strong and of Good Courage in These Troubled Times.