
Steve's Blog Archives

Enjoy some of Steve’s blog articles from his library over the last 20 years!

Do You Believe God Is Who He Says He Is?

From Steve’s Library 12/2010. Do you believe God is who He says He is? Do you grasp the significance of His invisible hand? The Lord God has enclosed you before and behind. He already determined the moment of your death. And you can’t die until that moment.

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Truth Is Essential

Truth Is Essential

From Steve’s Library 03/2011. You can’t have a good nation without truth.  You can’t have justice without truth.  You can’t have a good marriage without truth.  You can’t have a good family without truth.  Truth is absolutely essential and has been in this nation for three hundred years.

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Be A Finisher

Be A Finisher

From Steve’s Library 05/2011. John Maxwell tells the story of the scout who called Charlie Graham, when he was managing the Chicago Cubs.  The man was so enthusiastic and excited that he could hardly get the words out.  “Charlie, I’ve just come across the greatest young pitcher I’ve ever seen.  He struck out every man who came to bat.

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The Reality of Evil

The Reality of Evil

Evil and sin are real, and at times in our lives it feels like they overwhelm everything else. But they don’t.
God is bigger than evil and sin.  Evil will never get in the way of God’s plan for your life. 

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He is in Control….Over All Assignments

He is in Control….Over All Assignments

From Steve’s Library 09/2011. You may remember the old country song “Take This Job and Shove It.” Here’s another option: Take your job and shovel it under the providential and strange plan that God is working out in your life. What is your current assignment in life?

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