
Steve's Blog Archives

Do something about it!

From Steve’s Library 2/03/2005

While spending her life for the Gospel in India, Amy Carmichael became aware of the horrible practice of parents selling their little girls into prostitution at the age of six or seven. She decided to do something about it. Keep in mind, that this practice had been going on in Hindu temples for over 1,000 years.

Amy’s first charge was a seven year old girl whose palms had been intentionally scarred with a hot iron as punishment for a previous escape attempt. Forty two years later, Amy was still in business, protecting nearly 800 girls. She had become a much hated woman in the eyes of a 1,000 year old prostitution industry. But God protected this woman who had the courage to stand for the truth of God.

Gentlemen, if God would protect Amy Carmichael for all those years, won’t he protect you and me today?

Steve Farrar

Steve Farrar was the author of many books, including the best-sellers Point Man, Finishing Strong, and Battle Ready: Be Strong and of Good Courage in These Troubled Times.

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