
Steve's Blog Archives

Through the Fog

From Steve’s Library 02/06/2006

Every child needs a father who is a moral beacon.  A good dad shines through the fog of confusing messages and temptations.  He models a moral standard by his life and behavior. He isn’t perfect, but he is consistent.

Kids can’t respect a dad living a life with constantly changing rules.  That’s why consistency is so important.  You can’t selectively bounce in and out of a morally upright lifestyle.  Your kids will instantly detect your hypocrisy and lose confidence in you.

Ken Canfield has done great work dealing with dads, emphasizing consistency.  According to Ken, fathers must demonstrate consistency in mood, presence in the family, keeping promises, morality and truth, daily schedules and activities.  Standing tall means doggedly demonstrating those qualities you want to bequeath to your kids.

Steve Farrar

Steve Farrar was the author of many books, including the best-sellers Point Man, Finishing Strong, and Battle Ready: Be Strong and of Good Courage in These Troubled Times.

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